ACC to observe 21 Feb as NACD



Coinciding with the auspicious 8th Birth Anniversary of His Royal Highness (HRH) Gyalsey, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) launched the National Anti-Corruption Day (NACD), with the theme “Integrity for Progress and Prosperity” on 5 February and will culminate on 21 February coinciding with the Birth Anniversary of His Majesty The King.

Various events, campaigns, and initiatives have been planned in collaboration with multiple stakeholders.

His Majesty The King’s unequivocal commitment that “I will not be corrupt and I will not tolerate corruption in others,” profoundly impacted Bhutan’s governance system and landscape, lending impetus and further propelling the anti-corruption measures and the prevention and education strategy.

According to the ACC, as Bhutan embarks on an unprecedented development trajectory, the need to amplify the fight against corruption becomes ever more pronounced with no room for complacency, given the pivotal role of integrity for sustained peace, progress, and prosperity. Thus, it is incumbent upon all stakeholders to unite in denouncing corruption and championing integrity as a cornerstone of development.

Further, joining the global community in observing the International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, the ACC announced that Bhutan will celebrate the NACD on 21 February, coinciding with the Birth Anniversary of His Majesty The King.

During the launch, the Chairperson of the ACC, Deki Pema said the day is important as it is the 8th Birth Anniversary of HRH.

She said the day is very important as it represents the symbolism of the future of Bhutan which is embodied in HRH and the continuity of legacies and collective merits.

“It’s such a special day.”

Though NACD falls on 9 December which is also when schools near to a close, the Chairperson said that there are many things are happening around this time. “But more than anything, we need to bring it closer, we have to join all communities of the nation since it’s a global initiative.”

To make it more meaningful, Deki Pema said, “We ACC considered and felt that His Majesty’s Birth Anniversary would be a very special day to observe the NACD.”

“This momentous occasion seeks to honor the profound wisdom, foresight, and vision of His Majesty The King and celebrate the extraordinary blessings of the legacy of our Successive Leadership.”

It said that it shall also serve as a call to action for all citizens to uphold the momentum towards a Developed Bhutan with unsullied ‘tha damtsi’ and for the collective responsibility to fight corruption to resound within every Bhutanese citizen.

ACC further said that the NACD will serve as an avenue to raise awareness, educate citizens on the detrimental effects of corruption, and advocate for anti-corruption measures in fulfilling our shared national goal.

“As we embark on this historic milestone, let us come together in celebrating the first NACD, reaffirming our commitment to progress and prosperity, anchored in the unwavering integrity that defines the Bhutanese identity.”

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