PM assures better prospects for the tourism sector


The promotion of tourism is one of the key priorities of the government and various activities are undertaken to boost the sector under the Economic Stimulus Program (ESP) launched by the government.

Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay during the launch stated that with profound challenges plaguing the tourism sector. He said the tourism sector has suffered major setbacks and is a long way from reaching pre-pandemic arrival numbers. Many businesses have shut down with non-performing loans, while loan deferments have provided some relief to businesses, these businesses may need continued special support.”

The Prime Minister emphasized the enduring repercussions of the pandemic on the tourism industry, painting a sobering picture of its struggles. He acknowledged the unfortunate reality of numerous businesses being forced to cease operations due to the burden of non-performing loans, pointing out the urgency of the situation.

In a promising sign of recovery and growth, Bhutan has seen a substantial rise in tourist arrivals during the first four months of 2024. From January 1st to April 30th, the country welcomed 41,394 visitors, a notable increase from the 26,465 arrivals recorded in the same period in 2023. April alone saw 16,391 guests, up from 13,769 in April 2023. This marks the third busiest month since Bhutan reopened its borders to tourism in September 2022, following the COVID-19 pandemic.

The breakdown of arrivals reveals that 58 percent of tourists were from India, reflecting the strong cultural ties and geographical proximity between the two nations. The remaining 42% of visitors came from various countries including the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, France, Italy, Malaysia, Vietnam, Australia, and Canada.

The Department of Tourism’s (DoT) strategies include issuing frequent press releases and engaging in public relations efforts to share updates and news about the country’s tourism industry. Since the reopening, DoT has generated over 3,000 pieces of tourism-related news with a combined readership of around 3.5 billion. Additionally, the department has conducted 130 media interviews and hosted over 100 global journalists.

To further enhance Bhutan’s image, DoT has been actively promoting the country’s diverse festivals, events, and unique cultural experiences. These efforts aim to create a vibrant and appealing image of Bhutan that attracts travelers interested in its rich cultural heritage and stunning landscapes. The department’s digital marketing campaigns target key source markets, utilizing various online channels to raise awareness and encourage visits to Bhutan.

A key component of DoT’s promotional activities is the “Bhutan Believe” brand campaign, which highlights the country’s cultural richness, natural beauty, and spiritual essence. This campaign is designed to establish a unique and compelling identity for Bhutan as a tourist destination.

Moreover, DoT organizes events and roadshows in key markets, engaging with travel industry professionals, tour operators, and potential visitors. These events provide opportunities for networking, showcasing Bhutan’s offerings, and building partnerships.

The department also focuses on creating high-quality photography and videography content to entice and captivate potential visitors by showcasing the hidden stories and captivating aspects of Bhutan. Collaborating with Bhutanese content creators is a priority in these efforts.

To tap into the luxury travel segment, DoT has joined exclusive travel networks like Virtuoso, XO, and Serendipians (Traveler Made). This connection with affluent travelers seeking unique experiences is a strategic move to position Bhutan as a top choice for high-end tourism.

Regular monthly webinars with global travel agents, reaching more than 300 agents, are conducted for educational purposes and to share updates about Bhutan. The department also supports and plans familiarization trips, press trips, and influencer trips, enabling industry professionals, journalists, and influencers to experience Bhutan firsthand and promote it to their respective audiences.

Developing human resources, particularly tourist guides, is also a pivotal initiative for DoT to enhance the overall visitor experience and promote sustainable tourism. The department provides comprehensive training programs for tourist guides, covering essential topics such as local history, culture, natural resources, and customer service excellence. These programs ensure that guides are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide enriching and memorable experiences to visitors.

The certification of tourist guides is another crucial step undertaken by DoT. This initiative aims to standardize the quality of services provided and elevate the professional status of guides. Accredited guides are recognized as qualified professionals, enhancing their credibility and appeal to tourists. DoT also offers language training programs to improve the communication skills of its guides.

Incorporating technology into tourism services is another focus area for DoT. Equipping tourist guides with the latest technological tools, such as mobile apps and digital guides, provides real-time information and interactive experiences for tourists. This integration of technology helps deliver personalized and efficient services, modernizing Bhutan’s tourism offerings.

The remarkable increase in tourist arrivals and the strategic efforts by the DoT highlights Bhutan’s successful navigation through post-pandemic challenges, reaffirming its status as a sought-after destination for travelers worldwide.

Several travel agents from Thimphu have indicated that their client base comprises roughly 50 percent from the US and 50 percent from European countries. They have also identified the most challenging aspect they currently face as price negotiation, attributing it to the high number of travel agents operating within the country.

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