S/J Thromde launches beautification plan to mark World Environment Day


In a bid to enhance the aesthetic appeal of public spaces and foster a sense of community ownership, the SamdrupJongkhar Thromde, in collaboration with the Dzongkhag Administration, has launched an ambitious “Beautification Plan for SamdrupJongkhar Thromde.”

The launch event coincided with World Environment Day, reinforcing the region’s commitment to a greener and more beautiful environment.

During the launch, Sonam Jamtsho, Senior HR Officer, highlighted the significance of the beautification plan. Jamtsho emphasized that the initiative is crucial for enhancing the visual appeal of Samdrup  Jongkhar and promoting environmental stewardship among its residents.

The district Drangpon also elucidated the importance of World Environment Day and the collective responsibility of maintaining a clean and beautiful environment.

He highlighted the role of each individual and organization in this mission, stressing that a cleaner environment contributes to the overall well-being and pride of the community.

The highlight of the event was the official launch of the beautification plan booklet. This 13-page document, a product of extensive consultations held amongst all stakeholders in April 22, 2024, which outlines a comprehensive framework for beautifying public spaces, streets, and landmarks.

The Plan aims to bring together various stakeholders, including the general public, to foster a sense of ownership and belongingness in the community.

Key features of the beautification plan include a reward-based mechanism where the top three performing agencies are recognized annually.

Performance evaluations will be conducted bi-monthly by a monitoring team based on predefined criteria. This approach aims to incentivize active participation and sustained efforts towards beautification goals.

To formalize the commitment to this initiative, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Thromde Administration and 35 participating agencies and offices. This MoU outlines the roles and responsibilities of each party, ensuring a coordinated and collaborative approach to the beautification plan.

To mark the launch and symbolize the start of this noble initiative, an inaugural plantation ceremony was held. Participants planted trees, reflecting their dedication to a greener Samdrup Jongkhar.

The tree plantation not only added to the beauty of the area but also served as a tangible reminder of the community’s commitment to environmental conservation.

The timing of the beautification plan launch, aligning with World Environment Day, highlights the importance of environmental consciousness and proactive community involvement.

This initiative is expected to significantly enhance the visual appeal of Samdrup Jongkhar while fostering a culture of cleanliness and environmental stewardship among its residents.

The launch event concluded with a call to action for all agencies, organizations, and the public to actively participate in the beautification plan.

By working together, the community can transform Samdrup Jongkhar into a model of cleanliness and beauty, setting an example for other regions to follow.

The beautification plan is more than just an aesthetic project; it is a commitment to creating a healthier, more vibrant environment for all. As the community of Samdrup Jongkhar embarks on this journey, the collaborative spirit and dedication of its residents and organizations will be crucial in achieving the envisioned transformation.

The beautification plan promises to make Samdrup Jongkhar a more beautiful and environmentally conscious community, reflecting the true essence of World Environment Day.

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