The Importance of Cyber Hygiene


A comprehensive workshop on cyber hygiene was held on 3 June to empower the community with the knowledge and skills needed to protect their digital lives.

The cyber hygiene workshop was organized by Bodhi Media and Communications (BMC) Institute with grant support from APNIC Foundation, via ISIF Asia.

The event aimed at raising awareness on the importance of maintaining cyber hygiene and provided practical tips on how to safeguard personal and professional information online.

Cyber hygiene refers to the practices and steps that individuals and organizations can take to maintain the health of their digital systems and ensure the security of sensitive information. Cyber hygiene encompasses a range of practices designed to protect devices, networks, and data from cyber threats.

With cyber threats such as phishing, ransomware, and data breaches on the rise, the need for robust cyber hygiene measures has never been more pressing.

The event featured a keynote address by Pratima Pradhan, a Deputy Chief, ICT Officer Cyber Security Division, GovTech Agency.  She provided an overview of current cyber security trends, highlighting the increasing sophistication of cyber threats and the importance of staying vigilant.

‘‘Cyber criminals are constantly evolving their tactics, making it essential for individuals and organizations to stay informed and proactive. Maintaining good cyber hygiene is the first line of defence against these threats,” she said.

The workshop included a series of interactive sessions, each focusing on different aspects of cyber hygiene and the key practices for effective cyber hygiene.

They include regular software updates, strong and unique passwords, data backups, recognizing phishing attacks, awareness and education, use of security software and secure networks.

The workshop also featured a panel discussion with representatives from different organizations. The panellists shared insights on how they implement cyber hygiene practices within their organization and the challenges they face in maintaining digital security.

Some of the panellists said cyber hygiene is not just an individual responsibility but a collective effort. They said organizations must foster a culture of security awareness and provide employees with the training and resources needed to protect themselves and the company.

Additionally, organizations should conduct regular security assessments to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

As cyber threats continue to evolve and grow in complexity, maintaining robust cyber hygiene practices will be vital in protecting sensitive information and preserving the integrity of digital systems.

Through regular updates, strong passwords, data backups, education, security software, and secure networks, we can collectively enhance our cyber defenses and navigate the digital landscape with greater confidence and security.

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